Sunday, July 20, 2008

Jessica's Pageant

In case you were unaware there are very talented branches stemming from the Cathcart Tree. In particular today I am speaking of the very talented Jessica Reed (from the Joe Reed and Darla (Cathcart) Reed Branch). This weekend we were privileged to attend the talent competition of the National American Miss Pageant. All I have to say is where is Simon Cowell when you need him. Of course there was no doubt that Jessica would get first place in the talent competition. She was the only one with any real talent. The rest of the competitors were somewhere between dog calls and weird tribal dances. There were maybe a couple of them that at least were tolerable. There was even one girl who marveled the crowed with how long she could hold a note, however she would have been a lot better if she were holding the right note. Topping that the contestant who sang "Jeremiah was a bull frog" A Capella. The only thing I can say about that is after she sang, Jeremiah stop being a good friend of hers. Advice to the Judges for next year: Install a GONG!!!! Anyway we are very proud of our Jessica. Here is a list of the awards she walked away with: Trophy for Miss Spirit 1st runner up, She received a Trophy and a Tiara for Outstanding Program Participation, She received a State Finalist Trophy, She received a trophy for Art Contest Winner, and our Jessica received a Trophy and $250.00 for winning the Talent competition. We did not get to video Jessica's talent number but we did have her do a little of it for us so here it is.

Of course not to be out Done Jasmine shows off a bit of her own

And last but not least here are some pictures of the family at the pageant
Diana and Adalyn

Proud Grandma


Diana said...

So proud of Jessi!!! She is such a talented girl!

Brenda said...

My name is Brenda (Warnick) Raccuia and I was a nanny and very good friends with Darla and Joe. I have been searching for a way to contact them for a while and wondering how they are doing. Darla's name finally came up on this search engine. I was wondering if you could let them know I was looking for them. Please ask them to email me at Thank you so much!
Sincerely, Brenda Raccuia

Nikki Helping Paint